Oh yeah, back to the weather contrast..I'm feeling the need to rub it in right now. Today was a balmy 28 in Black River, and last weekend I spent a total of 6 hours swimming in the ocean with my 4th trip to Treasure Beach, quite possibly my favorite area of the Jamaica, and hope to double that this weekend with my 3rd trip to Negril. I also had my first night out in Black River. Yes, you heard correctly. I've been here more than 3 months and had not been out in the evening. Not safe to walk around solo I was told. Up until now I've been the only intern/volunteer in Black River. Well there was a lovely girl named Rachel from England here for my first week, but she was on her way out as I was coming in. Last week 2 new volunteers arrived though and this week another 2 are settling in. While my fellow Jamaican work folk are great, they actually don't live in Black River. So me and my 3 new friends decided to hit the town. Well, as I predicted there is nothing open in Black River after 6pm. Except for the Waterloo Guest House which is owned by the family I'm staying with. I also have lunch there prettttyyyy much every day. So with limited options we headed to Waterloo.
But really none of this is relevant to what I initially wanted to write about. However I suppose providing a bit of a context for where I'm at now doesn't hurt. I actually wanted to show a picture of me at work, seeing as how I haven't actually posted one yet. Somewhat self indulgent I know. But seeing as how most of my time is spent in exactly this position... I'm at my computer pretty much the entire day right now, as the project has yet to really take flight, I thought it relevant. Hopefully the official launch of the project will be in mid Feb, and from that point I'll be in the field a lot more, working with the community, doing site analysis etc. Anyways, here's the picture. Oh and below is pic of the Waterloo Guest House. As I said I spend a lot of time there. Lunches, occasionally for a beer to watch the sunset and now for our a night out here or there. Now that it's peak travel season, it's actually a pretty decent place to meet other travelers too. Oh and did I mention it was the first house in Jamaica to have electricity?? Because it was.
The ole Waterloo Guest House.