So before I attempt to explain what exactly I've been doing in Jamaica for the past 3 weeks, it would probably be a good idea to shed some light on how I got here. Well, for starters, I'm a recent graduate of Ryerson University's Urban and Regional Planning program. After spending the summer doing a little volunteer work, some fun part-time jobs and a whole lot of enjoying not being in school (I've been in school 7 of the last 9 years), I decided that it was about time for me to start looking for a 'real' job. After a week of applying for planning and related jobs, I came across a posting..a facebook posting of all things.. on the Canadian Urban Institutes webpage. I had previously interned for them, and had recently become a follower on facebook to keep up to date on urban matters. The posting was for a number of positions, many of which were directly related to the field of planning, in a number of different county's. I applied immediately for every position I could and eventually got an interview and a job offer for a position in Jamaica as a Sustainable Development Planner. I had three weeks to get ready and leave. And queue adventure music...